Tuesday, 4 August 2020


She kept walking from room to room, picking up things and then puting them down in the different place. As a result her suitcase was no fuller than half an hour before. She tried to remember every single item she might need in the trip. It was so long ago when she had her last trip. She used to be a very organized traveller but today she could not even pack her suitcase. Two hours later she sat down relieved. There was only toothbrush left but is going to need it in the morning. She got ready for bed and then there was a second round. Twisting and turning in her bed she couldn't find the right possition or temperature. Then she was thirsty and then she was in urgent need to use bathroom again. at 4 a.m. she finnally fel asleep only to wake up three hours latter sleepy and cranky. 

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