Monday, 31 August 2020
Broken people
Some say that people who fall apart inside tend to put on a happy face, like a mask, so that others don't see, how hurt they are. I think it is totally different. I believe that when you live in hell, you need your own way how to preserve sanity. That is why those People turn down the volume of the throbbing pain to barely audible when they meet ordinary People. It is their chance to switch, to have a dose of normality, before they return to the screaming hell of agony. That is why they are fun and easygoing, but they will politely turn down everything that over steps the borderline of the given timeframe.
Sunday, 30 August 2020
Old shop and workshop signs stood neatly in the warehouse. All of them were covered in a thick layer of dust. There were no footprints on the ground. Even the stale air indicated that no one had been here for a long time. She stepped slow, careful steps towards the signs. She cheked the light one more time and only them lifted camera to her right eye. The clicking sound echoed in the empty warehouse but she didn't notice. She was submerged in the process.
Saturday, 29 August 2020
She begged for one good Day so that she can survive this night. There was not much of sanity left in her. From the outside it all looked like she is in control of everything. It looked like her mother's illness was managable. No one knew about the fragile sleep partially listening for odd noises since her mother might have tried walking and had fallen. No one knew about countless emergency calls she had made and the deeply hidden relief when she knew that her mother would stay in the hospital for a week or two. And of course no one knew about lack of will power and energy to do something around the house.
Friday, 28 August 2020
Lord Geinsburry was groaning in pain. It was midday but he was still in bed and the heavy curtains were still shut. He was paying for his lack of reason yesterday when he agreed to carry Mis Maple across the huge puddle in the townsquare. His back was killing him and his serwand had already tried all the tricks he knew. Now he could only stay motionless and wait for doctor to come.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
How they met
On a calm Monday evening she was walking her dog. It was not her dog. She was not allowed to keep dogs in her apartment. Nevertheless, she loved this particular dog and walked it every evening. The dog belonged to an elderly lady who lived in a tiny house next to her apartment buildings. It was the only small house in this neighbourhood and Daisy was curious. The day they two met the rain was pouring down and the streets and pawements in the neighbourhood were soaked in rain water. In some places puddles were knee-deep. Daisy saw how a passing car showered a tiny, slightly hunched lady with an old useless umbrella and a walking stick. She approached her and helped her get home. Later they drank tea with honey and Daisy met Lucy, the dog.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Alice were nervously drumming her fingers on the surface of the huge coffee machine in the hall. She was not yet late and she desperately needed her daily sip of coffee. You wouldn'd say that she liked the taste of it, it was more of a ritual for her. Two cups in the morning and various amounts when meeting friends. Those coffee machines were so teasingly slow that she wondered how many people tend to lose their temper in front of one. (esspecially taking into account that it all happen before they get their coffee, if they get it at all). Sometimes she wondered if it all is just amazing PR for coffee but then she remembered tea and jogging. Both of those seemed so great and fun when done by others. However, for her, tea just wasn't thick enough and jogging seemed more like a torture. Therefore there must be something else about coffee that she keeps sticking to it.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Colours of life
He didn't believe that life consists of black and white strips . He believed that there are more than just two colours. There was this bright yellow when you were full of happy thoughts. There was this poisenous green when you were jealous. And welvet red when you feel desire. Bright light blue when you are overwhelmed with new ideas and dark blue when you are depressed. And then there is also gray of tiredness and boredom.
Monday, 24 August 2020
Little musicians gathered around the fern for the regular practice. Usually they were ready to start just on time but today was different. Adam, the little drummer, was missing. Everyone was so confused as nothing a like that had ever happened before. The cellist suggested to search for him but others passionatelly objected. They argued for some half an hour but could not agree what to do. Meanwhile, the evening was stretching into dusk and the time they could devote for practice was quickly running out. They argued some more and then parted without clear plan of action only to meet the next evening and missing drummer again.
Seaside has this salty air that you can taste on your lips after a long stroll on the beach. And yet, it is also fresh and light in your lungs. Sue likes to sit on the bench in the garden and watch the sea. The rhythmical sound of waves coming and going has the power of sweeping her mind blank. Some people call it meditation but for Sue it is coming home to herself. She can sit like that for hours. The light breeze brushes against the glass windchimes addding a surreal magic sound.
Saturday, 22 August 2020
Domestic magic
Amanda loked at the five colourful bottles in front of her and tried really hard to listen to her inner voice to point at one. Domestic magic was not an easy skill to train alone and yet it was also a very private thing. You could have a teacher or mentor but they could only guide you with questions and calming words. No one could feel for you. So, there she was in the middle of her kitchen trying to brew a potion for bruises. She had never done it before and there were no recipes. Each witch had to use her inner voice to find the correct ingredients. For each witch they could be different. Amanda believe that it had something to do more with your thoughts than with actual ingredients. Amanda couldn't afford a whole course in domestic magic so she tried only the easiest things. However, even that had already destroyed her sink and two kitchen tables. She would have liked to do it outside but she had nosy neighbours. They would definately turn her in.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Billy Arlington was afraid of snakes. It was a bit odd as he lived in Ireland and there are no snakes. Billy was not a traveler either, therefore there were no chance really to meet a snake and yet, he died young and the cause of his death was the snakebite. It happened in a sunny afternoon in a huge shopping centre. Billy had done his necessary shopping and had decide to reward himself with some cheese cake. He had no idea that a snake had escaped Pet Shop and at exact moment it was hanking in the colourful decorative brushes of the Cafe. It bit him while he was enjoying his cake, so we can say that he at least died happy.
Thursday, 20 August 2020
A little elf sat under the mushrooms and waited for rain to stop. She still was far from home but the rain was too heavy for her to continue. She looked in her back pack for some snacks. If she had to stop, she could make a small easure out of it as well. She fug out one dried moskito and a bottle with fresh morning dew. She started to eat and only them realised how hungry she actually was. Those long trips were tirening and she needed twice the energy she normally use. The rain continued and soon a puddle appeared not far from her feet. She anxiously looked at it and moved a bit closer to the mushroom. The puddle continued its expansion but luckily it made the biggest efforts in the opposite direction.
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Does it bug you?
It was standing still on the wall while humans were making huge fuss about it. One lady screamed and demanded to take it down the other one was convinced that the man should kill it. Five minutes had passed since they started debating about the life of the insect. Only insect didn't care. It didn't care if it was upside down or perpendicular to the ground. It didn't think about tomorrow and it didn't plan any revenge to humans to were about to kill him. It just was there and then - on the wall in the middle of a nonesense arguments.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Thin blanket of fog hung in the midair dividing the world into up and under. John's face was on the same level as fog and it made him feel uneasy. The fog always made John anxious because you could not see what was in it. Even familiar places wrapped in fog seemed spooky and uninviting. It was so weird that everything disappeared in the fog as soon as you stepped a few feet away. John was always a little bit afraid that everything he loved mighg be gone on the fog. He knew of course that it was stupid but the small ireational thought lingered in his mind nevertheless. He would never voice it and maybe that was part of the problem.
Monday, 17 August 2020
The city had gone mad. People were rushing with intense determination and no tolerance towards. Toddlers were kicked, old ladies were stomped over. Cars crashed and drivers just got out and left the cars. Dogs were attacking homeless and those who seemed weaker. A bunch of boys enjoyed themselves breaking windows of nearby shops. Cops stared at it all with no interest whatsoever. And it all started seemingly innocent with a tiny dollchair being glued to the back side of the traffuc sign.
Sunday, 16 August 2020
Home Sweet Home
She couldn't remember the last time she had had a whole week for herself. She had had a vocation before of course but usually it was packed with things to do and at the end of it she felt exausted and guilty for not managing all the things she had planned. This week was totally different. It was the second day at home, alone. There were no plans, no visits and nothing to do. And it was so hard and weird at first. She sat down on her porch with her coffee and a good book but the restlesness inside her couldn't stop itching. It took her three days to get used to this and enjoy it. She was amazed at the fact that she had spent so much time and money to make her home an amazing place and yet she had to learn how to enjoy it. Most of the time she spent some where else and used her own place just for sleeping and binge watching TV was odd to just be there and then.
Saturday, 15 August 2020
She stared at her own reflection in the mirror - pale, tired eyes, greyish skin and smileless lips. This person was about to go out and have some fun. It seemed so bizzare that she chukled. Methodically she put on her make up, layers after layers until her mask was completely. It was like looking at the completely different person and at the same time like it was real she who now looked back from the mirror. Cat's eyes, bold lipstick, rosy cheeks and above all confidence. "Weird!" she thought, "as if i had my confidence in my purse with my make up and I could phisically put it on." The Phone interrupted her thoughts, she had to go.
Friday, 14 August 2020
Thunder on the Highway
The radio Djs were blabbing away some nonsence, as Dia was driving home. It had been exausting bussines trip and she was eager to get home faster. The long straight boring highway just added to the exaution. The radio started playing Thunderstruck by AC/DC and she smiled. Finally something worth listening. Suddenly, the was an explosion and a glimpse later she saw a huge ball of dust enveloping a truck ahead of her. Moments latter the car was not visible and she slowed down her own car as she entered the cloud of dust. When she was through it she saw the truck parked neatly on the side of the road with its emergency signals on. She knew that her expertise or help was useless, so she slowly accelerated and continue her way home.
Thursday, 13 August 2020
The wind swiftly run through the field making rye whisper. It was the whisper of summer slowly bidding goodbye. It was a bid sad but full of sun. The whisper that you can almost feel on your skin or taste in your mouth. It is a bit warm and soothing and it tastes of dry bread that you found in your back pack after long trecking through woods. The golden field whispers in waves.
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Alice was a happy person. People often thought that she radiated optimism. Some other considered her quite childish. She didn't know any of this. She simply was. She was there, in that particular moment, immersing into the events, feelings and chance. She liked company of other people but she was not meant for longterm friendships, relationships or any other "ships" for that matter. However, she have you the sun, the moon and stars when you were with her. Mostly people took it bad When she turned her beaming smile towards someone else. It was unbearable for some to admit that it was over.
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Mr Arlington
Mr Arlington was well respected man and he also was a rather lucrative match for any young Lady in search for a good husband. Mr Arlington was very patient and calm bachelor with a slight inclination towards perfectionism and saving every other penny. He liked When things happened the way he wanted them to happen and he had no tolerance towards any foolish opinions, that were not his own. He took an early train from th ecentral station in order to arrive at Mis Chatter's house on time for some afternoon tea. There was no better way to observe the manners of a young lady other than during the tea time. One could notice if she is capable of appropriate table manners and if she can keep the conversation light and vivid enough for the afternoon. Every slightest deatail of her canbe latter analysed and devisions upon her beenig the wife matterial made. At least that's what Mr Arlington intended to do. The reality of the further coming story is different in every aspect though.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Eliot was not just an ordinary boy who likes to wander around the city at night. His real passion was graffitti but un like any other street art, his creations came to life at night. He found out it by accident. His best friend was allergic to dogs and he wanted to cheer him up after his birthday when he yet again didn't get a dog. Eliot decided to draw it on the wall of the railway station wall. It took him quite a while, but once he finished, the dog jumped off the wall and licked his face. Eliot was so shocked that all he could do was stare in disbelief untill he heard the angry shiuts of the guards. Instinctivelly he ran away and the dog followed. They spent together the whole night, then the dog returned back on the wall. Eliot kept drawing things on the walks in the city but to his disappointment only those things which he draw for someone else came to life.
Sunday, 9 August 2020
Search Party
Some distinctive buzzing noise came from the distance. Susan stopped breathing and listened. The sound was slowly approaching. It was not good. It was not good at all. It could mean only one thing - they have almost found her. She started to crawl away as quietlt as she could but it meant that her progress was way too slow. The floor of the cave was slippery and it was too dark to rush her movements. Suddenly, her fingers found a small opening in the side of he cave. She squized herself in and smeared her dirty hands all over her face. The buzzing sound was soon close, that she could now clearly distinguish it as mechanical. She saw the beams of light that came from the tiny lamps of the drones. She closed her eyes, held her breath and hoped for the best. There was nothing more she could do now.
Saturday, 8 August 2020
The Need
He felt restless. He hated that they didn't have a clear plan. He always had a plan, a list or an aim. And here he was in a company of crazy people who thought ir is great to just walk around the city in hope to stumble upon something worth exploring. An hour ago they had conficated the city's map because he had secretly plotted the route and tried to push the whole group in the right direction. There was nothing much now for him left to do and the itching feeling grew. He desperately needed a target.
Friday, 7 August 2020
So beautiful melody filled the air that it made birds stop in the midst of their songs and listen in amazement. It was a tiny string instrumentu made from the shells of hazelnuts and spider web strings. The music was heavenly, it had slow rhythm, rich tones and beautiful composition of various repetitive patterns. However, it was soon disturbed by some harsh glottal sounds. Surprisingly both sounds were made by the same tiny creature.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Her Time
She walked along the seemingly endless sandy beach while the sun was setting. The cloudless sky turned bubblegum pink but she didn't notice. For her it was just a wednesday evening at the beach. Her walking - thinking time. This was the only time during the day When she could switch off all other things, needs of other People and constant noise of technology, and be alone with herself. It took her half a year to turn it intoa solis habbit and she sacrificed some pairties or family time in the way. She knew that it will pay off in the long term, it Will make her a better person - more patient, creative and calm.
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
The Hard Work
She put some dried herbs, handful of lizards' tongues and 5 bigfoot toesin the big pot over the fire. It had just started to bubble and it was the right time to sit down. She had added all ingredients and now had time to gain some strenght, because once it starts bubbling she will spend some good hours catching those floating bubbles. All this fuss had been about the bubbles anyway. She will then dry them in the sun untill they were perfectly solid and the they will be ready for the market. Not all of them will useful of course but this hard labor in Gathering ingredients and production of the righ brew made them so rare and expensive. If she will manage to sell ten of them then she will easily survive winter. Overall she was optimisti as the bigfoot toes were exceptionally fresh and lizards' tongues were the right size and perfectly dry.
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
She kept walking from room to room, picking up things and then puting them down in the different place. As a result her suitcase was no fuller than half an hour before. She tried to remember every single item she might need in the trip. It was so long ago when she had her last trip. She used to be a very organized traveller but today she could not even pack her suitcase. Two hours later she sat down relieved. There was only toothbrush left but is going to need it in the morning. She got ready for bed and then there was a second round. Twisting and turning in her bed she couldn't find the right possition or temperature. Then she was thirsty and then she was in urgent need to use bathroom again. at 4 a.m. she finnally fel asleep only to wake up three hours latter sleepy and cranky.
Monday, 3 August 2020
Adam was a strange kid. Probably the strangest Christina had ever seen before. When he decided to write a fairy tale about a bear and gare, he insisted upon reading every single fairy tale about a bear and hare written before, so his tale would be indeed unique. After a month or two When all fairy tales were read, he sat down and wrote an amazing story which noone had read before. His mind worked like a tiny but unbelievably powerful computer. It stores massive amounts of data and then sythesized something that has never existed before. Christina was his nanny but most often she felt more like his student. Their every conversation was worth more than a week at university.
Sunday, 2 August 2020
He didn't believe in hope. He thought it was just a myth that kept you doing things even when all rational and logic says you to stop and then you lose. The you are crushed under morgages, loans and false promiles. No, thank you. John liked his odds clear and square. If you could not use math and science to make precise prediction, he had no intention to jump in this crazy ride. John never risked and therefore led a decently good life. It was not perfect, but it was safe and it was all that mattered. At least it was so until one day he received an e-mail from Jane. By agreeing to meet her he signed his crazy trip down the rabbit hole.
Saturday, 1 August 2020
The Path
The path twisted and turned as if in constant pain, as if trying to shake you off. He had been walking for three days and his feet were killing him. He had painful, juicy blisters on both feet and the soles of the feet were in terrible throbbing pain. A voice in his head begged to stop and repeatedly started that he cannot put another step. And yet he did. He tried to isolated all thoughts and feelings and get into that meditative state where all you think is to put one foot in front of another. Then he saw it and stopped. He was at the bottom of the slope and the path led up. He started to cry, he will not be able to climb that. Not in his current state anyway.
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Time zones
My biological clock is residing in different time zone. My body craves apples and pumpkin pies in spring, adores frozen berries (even red cu...

She thought about all the different pieces of her life and they didn't fit together. She had this crush on a nieghbour but she couldn...
A little bit of hope, is what we all are looking for. Maybe that's why I like airports so much. People go somewhere full with excitement...
It was a rain-soaked evening in October when the trees began sprouting money. We didn't notice it immediately because our Apple trees lo...